Current Building Regulations insist that all new non-domestic buildings with
more than one storey provide ‘refuge’ areas – relatively safe places where people who cannot easily use
fire escapes and evacuation lifts can call for assistance and wait until help arrives.
Simple, effective two-way communication in these areas is essential, firstly
to assist rescue teams in determining where assistance is required and secondly to reassure people help is on the way.
C-TEC’s new SigTEL Emergency Voice Communication (EVC) System has been
specifically designed to meet the rising demand for fully compliant BS 5839 Part 9 disabled refuge systems.
The range comprises two different types of central control equipment - SigTEL
Compact, a new all-in-one wall-mounting version (pictured above left) which can handle up to 8 lines (expandable to 16) and
a 16 to 128 line modular wall/desk mounting version. Both are typically located in a building’s control room (or on
smaller applications at a fire access point) where they allow management and/or the fire services to communicate via a telephone-style
handset with the system’s ‘outstations’.
Two types of outstation are available – Type A and Type B – the
requirements for which are set out in BS 5839 Part 9.
Disabled refuge systems use ‘Type B’ intercom style outstations.
Our new EVC302F Type B outstation (pictured above right) offers true hands-free duplex speech and allows anyone in a refuge
area to communicate with building control at the touch of a button. Attractively finished in brushed stainless steel, it includes
connections for an optional induction loop system for the hard of hearing and a general-purpose relay output that closes on
activation of the unit. In addition to our EVC302F flush outstation, surface and weatherproof versions are also available.
Fire telephone and stadium marshal systems use ‘Type A’ telephone-style
outstations. Our THS1-E Type A outstation comprises a telephone handset in a lockable red steel cabinet. It is typically located
at entrances and fire-fighting lobbies to allow fire marshals to communicate with building control during an emergency. Its
housing has openings to allow its phone to be heard and it is designed to be surface or semi-flush mounted using a T-Bez bezel.
A version with a non-locking handle is also available.
Both types of outstation connect to SigTEL’s central control equipment
using two cores of 1.5mm sq. enhanced fire rated cable of up to 1km in length.
SigTEL Compact 1 to 16 Line System : Wiring Overview